Description: We used to play this game when I was a kid at summer camp. We would go around in the circle and say “I’m going to a picnic and I’m going to bring…” If you said a food that started with the first letter of your name, you got to come to picnic. If you didn’t, you couldn’t come until you figured it out. It wasn’t a very inclusive game - they probably don’t play it anymore. Anyways, I modified it so we would choose a letter of alphabet and then, they had to bring a food, that started with that letter. It’s a nice activity to do with the indoor picnic.
Age: 4-5 and up
Matching letters to words
Prep-time: minimal
What you’ll need: paper and pen (or markers to make it more colourful)
Fun Factor: This was actually more of a difficult task for my 6 year old than I had expected. As a result there was some escape behaviours (squirming on the spot, asking to move on to a new activity), but we did finish 10 letters with hints. To make it easier you can choose letters that start with the snacks that you have provided so they have a visual cue. You can also pick the letters that start with their favourite foods.
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