Description: At the beginning of the course they picked a piece of folded paper with a word on it. They then had to run through the course and pick one letter at a time to complete the word. Obstacle suggestions: up and over the couch, roll down on to a mattress, jump over 3 lines, figure 8 round pylons, walk on tip toes around an object. You could simplify this by picking a letter rather than a word
Age: 4+
Gross motor
Letter recognition
Spelling Prep time: moderate for set up
What you’ll need: foam letters (or other), pieces of paper with motivating words on them (slide, swing, pizza, favourite animal or colour etc)
Fun Factor: This one was also a big hit. We spelled about six words (4 or 5 letter), so we ran through the course about 24 times. If I were to run the course again I would probably, have him get all the letters in one go versus one at a time. However, we only had 3 of each letter so I was trying to make pick words using a variety of letters. We taped the letters to the wall so they could see the finished product which was also fun.
Tip: We have a piece of acrylic over the TV which is why we can tape the letters to the TV. You can tape the letters to a wall or lay them out on the floor.
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