Description: This was based on a survivor challenge: the contestants had to keep filling up a bucket (with a hole) with water until it was full enough to drop to the ground. I had two lids with holes in hit and the kids had to block the hole with their finger and fill up another container with water. With changed up the activity to use various size of containers to fill, counting how many containers it would take to fill etc. They can request what shape, size or colour of container they want to use to create language opportunities
Age: 3+
Problem solving (to figure out to block the hole)
Cooperative play
Prep time: moderate, to set up a course
What you’ll need: a large container to hold the water, a medium size for the kids to fill and various small containers of different shapes, sizes, colours, with and without holes. A lot of towels on the floor (if you choose to do this inside)
Fun Factor: This was one activity that was motivating to both boys. My three year old played for about 45 minutes with all the variations of the activity. The container with the a hole was a little frustrating for them, but it was smooth sailing once we added different containers.
Safety tip: if you plan to do this activity inside make sure you have a lot of towels on the floor to catch the spilt water (for easy clean up) and so the children don’t slip.
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