I used different textures and lentils to create different weights and sensory experiences. I made swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, bean bag ketchup and mustard, lettuce (also with beans to make it heavy), tomato with beads to add a texture, and cucumber.
Description: Use couch cushions, throw cushions and blankets to make a giant sandwich with your child as the meat. Get your child to lie down on the “bread”, and asked them what meat they want to be and what toppings they would like to have on it. Then put the top slice of bread on and grill the sandwich by pushing down on the pillows. They will also enjoy putting toppings on the parents.
Age: 2 and up
Pretend play
Turn taking
Prep time: minimal to moderate
What you’ll need: Couch cushions and various colours of thrown pillows and blankets
Fun Factor: This was a big hit. The kids like to be squished in between all the pillows and climb on top to grill. It was such a big hit, I will be putting my sewing skills to the test to try to make some more realistic toppings. I have also done this activity with some other kids, and they found it equally fun.
Safety tip: Make sure the child who is being squished has their face visible at all times. Also, the sandwich can get pretty high, so make sure you watch the child doing the “grilling” closely.
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